Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Fortune favours the brave

That’s my new mantra, live and die by it.

Recently threw caution to Hurricane Rita and did something out of character (a departure, even, for my other three resident personalities).

I proposed, well, sort of. Anyway, all didn’t quite go according to brief. But that’s just by the way, a vignette included here solely for purposes of contextualisation.

Let it be known, I’m not a serial commitment-seeker, if any thing, the Big C brings on tinnitus, chills and hallucinations. I couldn’t even take up smoking properly because that would mean making a commitment to a ‘habit’. Shudder, shudder.

So why’d I go looking for trouble?

It was a chance remark (thank you Mr H) and the cogs creaked. I realised just what debilitating entities Fear and Over-Caution could be. They hold us back, damning us to half-lives.

An aside - New Years Day, 2005, I found myself standing on the support under the Bloukrans Bridge, the highest Bungee Jump site in the world (and not a fatality yet, knock knock knocking on wood). And I was poultry. I couldn’t do it, not at that defining moment. And even if I’ve promised myself that I will go back and take the plunge, the regret of not jumping that first time will always nag and tug.

I’m not a proponent of recklessness and wanton devil-may-care antics. Camels are meant to be tied. But there’s nothing quite as exhilarating as risk, a calculated and educated gamble, knowing that things could go in any direction and all that’s left is for you to submit to the result.

Back to my moment of ‘bravery’ (haha), it wasn’t a willy-nilly exercise, subtle reconnaissance was employed, and Nancy Drew took on the case. So what if it resulted in the accusation that I had “Messed with the cosmos”, galactic stability was not my concern. The consequences did not escape my cognition. I knew what I was getting into, it’s all in the nature of the beast. There is no place regret here, for the “What if’?” is always far worse than the “What was I thinking?”

I’ve never felt so liberated, so In-Charge.

Everyone should take a little risk everyday.

Humble beginnings, reach into your sock drawer and pull out a pair with your eyes closed. Wear that pair, even if its magenta shuffles circa 1993; the operative concept here - No regrets.

Life stops becoming something that just happens around you.

Talk to strangers more often. Our parents may have warned us against the dirty trench coated, lollipop wielding kind but we’re older now and packing pepper spray, it’s time to be a little more convivial.

Fortune does favour the brave, sometimes not in the way you expect.


Anonymous said...

Dear Saleha, pray tell ...
What were the results of this leap of 'faith'?

Anonymous said...

well, rejection aside, life's just become a whole lot more exciting:) -Saaleha

Anonymous said...

So when are you embarking in your next challenge? Live and die by it, right..

Saaleha Idrees Bamjee said...

As for my next moment of truth (and bravery), i cant really say. I'll know when the opportunity presents itself, and for now, i'm still convalescing:) - Saaleha

Anonymous said...

hey saal...
would this personality departure and ultimate leap of faith have something to do with what i think it has to do with? ;)
welllll, regardless of the outcome, good 4 u...
like i say, anything in the name of experience!

Anonymous said...

the nicest thing about risk, is that even though we make ourselves vulnerable, we do so consciously. its a great feeling, being in charge of our lives, good and bad...

Anonymous said...

WooHoo Saaleha. I wish more girls would take the responsibilty off guys and take the leap. Aside from being liberating it empowers women (well I guess that fits under liberating :).

Anonymous said...

i wanna know who's anonymous who said "anyting for experience". i think we could build on that. anyone listen to dangerboy on 5fm?

Saaleha Idrees Bamjee said...

well, its not simply 'anything for experience', just going for the things you feel are worth the gamble.

My dartboard said...

I like, I like. Your writing is amazing and I completely relate to everything that you have said. Refreshing. Thought I was the only one who did as such. Was actually inspired while watching the trailers to Alexander. I was going to watch bridget jones: the edge of reason. Anyway, love your work.


Profane. Profound. What's your poison?