Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Free prescription and Viagra overnight delivery.

I love it when spambots have a noir sense of humour. Here's a selection of spammer names that have delighted me amid the irritation.

Conflicted J. Breathe
Vicarage G. Toured
Gawky C. Handcar
Loathings D. Enjoys (like to be spanked do you?)
Counterclockwise B.U
Contesting O. Wino (when beggars get uppitty)
Gossiped R. Facing
Olympiad I. Sawdusting
Hateful A. Ruffianed
Missing M. Planner (happens to me all the time)
Revived I. Stifles
Coasters P. Dislikes (personally, placemats freak me out)

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Profane. Profound. What's your poison?