Thursday, August 31, 2006

Living with Value

Eight Weeks, Eight Values,
One National Conversation

Acceptance, Responsibility, Forgiveness, Perseverance, Self-Control, Honesty, Compassion and the value of the Second Chance; eight universal life prescriptions.
If you've been watching the movies across SABC, for the last seven weeks, you're familiar with the initiative. "heartlines? eh?" --> Click here.
Last night launched the Heartlines ten-day pledge-a-thon. To commit to the challenge of living out the values you believe in, sms your full name to 32909. It's time to move the national conversation to a national action.


'liya said...

Those listed values remind me of words that are posted around the schools around here :)

I think Second Chance is especially important.

Bilal said...

i think its a brilliant idea!

Muhammad said...

Word! I am a full supporter, 100% South African and all (in my thickest Durban Accent).

I want the DVD's!



orangejuice said...

I don't know. The minute I see something marketed like that it kinda puts me off watching it. Second Chance was amazing though, but had I known that it was part of the Heartlines campaign I would have given it a miss.

The less I know the better. Too bad none of those films matched the emotional complexity, great cinematography and superb acting of Snakes on a Plane.

Profane. Profound. What's your poison?